Monday, January 9, 2012

5days (5.5) Work Week vs 4 days Work Week

Why must the world follow one another on the 5days work week or 40-44hours work week?
As we know the world is evolving and has evolved for so long and so far BUT WHY DOES THE 5days WORK WEEK still not evolved??????
Everyone is talking about having a balance work life and family life BUT it is only TALK with No Action!!! Talk is cheap and nobody is leading to walk the talk!!!
Do you Seriously think that you are able to achieve a balance Work & Family life when you are having a 5 or 5.5days Work Week??

Scenario 1: A married employee without kid and Staying or Not Staying with Parents (assuming all children and parents are not handicap)

Work Weekdays: Reached home at average 2030hrs to have meals, rest, unwind, bonding with kids, catch up with the world and SLEEP at midnight!

Rest Day 1 (half day for those 5.5 work week): Bonding with kids
Rest Day 2: Bonding with both family's parents

Question: WHERE IS the REST DAY for ourself and bonding with our friends and friend's children??? Wheres is the SLEEPING DAY?

So our whole life, we are working for everybody EXCEPT for ourself!!!!! We are the SLAVE for everything and WHO causes all this??? The 5days & 5.5days SYSTEM!!

Scenario 2: A married employee without kid and STAYING with parents
Work Weekdays will still be the same with Scenario 1
Rest Day 1 (half day for those 5.5 work week): Bonding with family 1
Rest Day 2: Bonding with family 2 plus some spare time for love making for the couple
Question: Where is the Rest Day for ourself and SLEEPING DAY?

Scenario 3: A non-married employee

Work Weekdays are the same with Scenario 1
Rest Day 1 (half day for 5.5 work week): SLEEPING DAY
Rest Day 2: Bonding with family & siblings (especially very important if living with handicapped elderlys). Lucky enough, there will be spare time to bond with friends

Question: Where is the REST DAY to find a partner to settle down? Where to find more PERSONAL TIME?

Did the World realised that Two REST DAYS is NOT ENOUGH?
It seems that only the rich ones can achieve more balanced life simply because they do not require to go through the systematic 5days ot 5.5days WORK WEEK

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