Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Concert Promoter: The Jackson Tour May Go On

Hip Hip Hurray!! It is fantastic to read that concert is moving on. I thought the organiser can transformer it into a concert in rememberance of Michael Jackson.

I am sure TRUE supporting fans will definitely not refund the ticket and will fully support the concert.

The news read: The head of the promotion company behind Michael Jackson's 50-night "This is It" concert extravaganza says he'd like the concerts to go on.

In an exclusive interview with SKY News, Randy Philips said he would like the Jackson family to be on stage and take part in the show, with celebrity friends of the late icon rotating as stand ins for Jackson.
On Monday, the concert promoters announced that 750,000 Michael Jackson fans could get full refunds for the pop star's canceled 50-night "This is It" concert extravaganza — or opt to receive souvenir tickets instead.

美国一代流行音乐天王麦克杰逊过世 King of Pop Michael Jackson died

一代巨星麦克杰逊上周突然在洛杉矶逝世,震惊全球,it has shocked me too.

The tragic death of Michael Jackson has shocked the world, and messages of grief and appreciation have poured in from his family and close friends in Hollywood and around the globe.

"Michael Jackson was my generation's most iconic cultural hero. Courageous, unique and incredibly talented. He'll be missed greatly

杰逊葬礼日期未定 待等二次验尸结果

麦克杰逊的父亲表明,不会在第二次验尸结果出炉之前,定下杰逊葬礼的日期。 杰逊位于加州住家外的临时纪念堂,堆满了鲜花礼物,歌迷们蜂拥而至,到这里悼念他们的偶像。有谣言盛传,杰逊将安葬在他的梦幻庄园内,不过杰逊的父亲已经否认。他还表示,目前也还未定下杰逊的葬礼日期

Michael Jackson set for final journey to Neverland

Michael Jackson's body will make a poignant final journey to Neverland Ranch, it was reported Tuesday, fuelling speculation that the sprawling fantasy retreat could become a permanent memorial to the pop icon.